Pedal for a Change


Who are we?

We are a Guwahati based nonprofit organisation working towards promotion of Walking, Cycling and Public Transportation as climate change mitigation activities in the North Eastern region of India. 

What do we do?

We organise/ manage sports events, conduct research to collect data and advocate for climate resilient, sustainable, cleaner, safer, inclusive, accessible and healthier cities.

Why do we do what we do?

Climate change poses an imminent threat to our survival and the impact will be felt more so in urban areas where most people will be living in the future. Urban areas have always been hubs for employment, education, and healthcare services. However, with rapid urbanization, alongside these benefits comes a significant downside – the substantial emission of carbon and other harmful gases, largely attributed to the automobile sector. This not only pollutes the environment but also leads to congestion and poses serious road safety concerns.

The North Eastern region of India, renowned for its biodiversity, holds immense potential as an economic hub, serving as a vital land connection between India and the South East Asian countries.

Recognizing these dual challenges and opportunities, our organization is dedicated to comprehending their implications and devising solutions. We are working towards developing clean, safe, inclusive, accessible, and healthy urban settlements in the North Eastern region. Our focus lies in enabling an affordable and sustainable mobility ecosystem while enhancing climate resilience. 

What are our Focus Areas?

Our focus areas are Road Safety, Sustainable Urban Transportation and Climate Action



Safety of Cyclists / Cyclist’s Safety / Respect Cyclists

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Late Date : 31/05/2024

Result on : 3rd June 2024 World Bicycle Day

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